Duck Detective: The Secret Salami: Ending Explained (2025)

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  • Why was Freddy Framed?

  • Why was Sophie Upset at Her Party?

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Throw bread at the beak of Lady Justice! The mystery behind the Salami Bandit has been solved. If you’ve played through Duck Detective: The Secret Salami and feel like you’ve missed a few things, here’s a full rundown on what happened behind-the-scenes at BearBus.

Spoiler Warning for those who didn't finish the game!

Manfred is the infamous Salami Bandit. Budget cuts took a toll on the company. Needing a way to support his family, he turns to the illegal Salami smuggling business. He hires Sophie to take care of wooing bus driver Boris, her ex-boyfriend, into bringing her salami for her “ill” relative. Once Boris finally secures the package, he smuggles it across the border. Due to Boris taking precautions, the buses from the West have been running three hours late, causing delays in the usual schedule and creating unhappy customers.

Why was Freddy Framed?

Duck Detective: The Secret Salami: Ending Explained (1)

Freddy is paid more than Laura, which fueled her desire to get him fired, since she does a ton of work in the office. Manfred knew that Laura wanted to get promoted, so he wanted a valid reason to get him fired. Another thing was that Freddy goes to Bouldering conventions in the West, making the smuggling case more convincing. Basically, Manfred was going to kill two birds with one stone. Laura wanted to put the nail in the coffin that is Freddy’s career at Bearbus, so she called the Duck Detective to sort it out.


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When the Duck Detective came to BearBus, Sophie panicked since she knew that she was going to get caught. She was blackmailed by a mysterious number telling her to not tell him anything. When the Duck Detective uses his deduc(t)ion on Sophie, she is seen with tears in her eyes. While it can be said that it's because no one remembered her birthday, it can be predicted that it's because she was panicked about the situation.

In the kitchen, Manfred stages the scene to frame Freddy for it. He put a claw mark on the letter and put the salami next to Freddy’s desk. When investigating the salami, the Duck Detective asks Freddy about it, to which he responds that it was a surprise to him. It’s obvious at that point that Freddy was framed for the incident.

Why was Sophie Upset at Her Party?

Duck Detective: The Secret Salami: Ending Explained (3)

The surprise party for Sophie is bittersweet. Along with her gifts, she receives a silly letter with a scary message on it, saying how easily he got through the door. If you catch on to this, Sophie is the receptionist, and she checks on everyone who comes in. This was an attempt at blackmailing poor Sophie, causing her to get upset.

We can guess that, based on the clues around the reception desk, that she was taken from her desk and kidnapped. The note on her desk is clearly written by Manfred, due to the spaces in his sentences and identical handwriting. Manfred’s handwriting is shown in his letter to his family about his financial troubles and hopes for the future.

Regarding where Sophie was hidden, she didn’t get home. Manfred kidnapped her and put her into the storage area on the bus outside. She is a liability to Manfred, considering she had a big hand in the whole operation. The Duck Detective soon finds her there and the accusations start.

Who's to Blame?

Duck Detective: The Secret Salami: Ending Explained (4)

While the Salami Bandit is confirmed to be Manfred, there are deeper convictions here. Boris illegally imported salami across the border, Sophie manipulated Boris into committing the crime out of his love for her, and Manfred led the whole operation. In the end, you can convict whichever character you deem guilty.

On another note, Rufus and Margaret are having an affair, and they are illegally selling vouchers for BearBus tickets. They are both looking to get rich so that Rufus’ book can get made into a movie adaptation and Margaret can become the lead actress. In the end, however, they cannot be arrested.

Duck Detective: The Secret Salami: Ending Explained (5)
Duck Detective: The Secret Salami
Duck Detective: The Secret Salami: Ending Explained (2025)
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Name: Lidia Grady

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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.